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You walked in full light. You didn’t hold back in how the Spirit guided you. You kept on in pursuit with unconditional love and mighty confidence. When people judged you or dumped disgrace on you, you turned the other cheek, and returned the hateful statements with “child, I love you.” Your love was not ingenuine or false. You loved with whole hearted, raw, real love. You had no hidden agenda.

Many people misunderstood Your intentions. They misunderstood your identity. They saw You as someone you are not. When they looked at You and Your actions, they did not see Your heart. They accused You of hypocrisy, insanity, and possession. They looked at the Son of God and said, “but he is JUST a carpenter.” They tore down Your beautiful reflection of the Father.

People today continue to do this to You. Even after You went to a cross and carried the burden of every soul in existence. They look at you and they scorn and they mock. They misunderstand Your reasoning for sacrifice. We don’t understand Your teachings and Your words. We don’t understand the way you feel for us. Your words become simple quotes on walls but we forget to dive deeper. We forget to dissect Your words so that we can discover Your true heart posture or understand what You really meant when You spoke it, rather than what we want it to mean.

but Jesus. Through all of this misunderstanding and forgetfulness you continue to lavish us in grace. You say “daughter, it is okay” when I misinterpret or assume. You drench me in grace when I walk away or get distracted from the One who knows all, sees all, and understands all. It’s as if there’s no chance or option of me disappointing, letting you down, or being rejected. You choose forgiveness and grace for those who don’t see and understand You. You are utterly okay with the fact that people see Your character wrong. Because it doesn’t actually mean that Your character is what they think of it. You show them grace and gently show them who You actually are and why You love them as a seen, understood individual. 

If You can do all this. If You can brush off the misunderstandings and disappointment shown towards You. If You can return the oblivion with grace, and love, and mercy.

Then how, HOW can I walk in frustration when my character or intentions are misunderstood? How can I put so much emphasis on what people think of me or how people view me when all that really matters is that I emphasize my Father’s words? All that really matters is that people see You through me, as Your vessel. 

You, Jesus. You were the most misunderstood and misportrayed man to walk earth. Your reputation was constantly soiled by sinners. Yet, You continued to choose us each day.

Father, help me to choose into Your ways on the days that I feel the most misunderstood.


Mark 6:1-6 _ “He’s just a carpenter”

Mark 3:21 _ His friends say He is crazy.

Mark 3:22 _ others say He is possessed.

Mark 4:10-13 _ Jesus the misunderstood messiah

Mark 4:41 , 6:51-52 , 8:15-21 _ the disciples don’t understand

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